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Empowerment refers to increasing the spiritual, political, social or economic strength of individuals and communities. It often involves the empowered developing confidence in their capacities.The subject of empowerment of women has becoming a burning issue all over the world including India since last few decades. Many agencies of United Nations in their reports have emphasized that gender issue is to be given utmost priority. It is held that women now cannot be asked to wait for any more for equality.Inequalities between men and women and discrimination against women have also been age-old issues all over the world. Thus, women’s quest for equality with man is a universal phenomenon.The sex ratio in India has improved from 930 in 1971 to 940 as per 2011 census. The female literacy has also increased from 18.3% in 1961 to 74% in 2011, in addition to decrease in male-female literacy gap from 26.6% in 1981 to 16.7% in 2011.These indicators may show improvement, however, the pace is not desirable.The economic empowerment of women is a vital element of strong economic growth in any country. Empowering women enhances their ability to influence changes and to create a better society.Empowering Women through Education: “Education is one of the most important means of empowering women with the knowledge, skills and self-confidence necessary to participate fully in the development process”. In the political field, the reservation for women is a significant step forward towards their political empowerment. When thirty-three percent reservation for women in Parliament becomes a reality, women’s voice will be heard in the highest forum of democracy.into lime-light the constraints and benefits of empowering women at the integrated process of development and social change. All the articles have been covering a wide range of issues relating to women, particularly women living at grassroots level, downtrodden and helpless.The Article on ‘Efficacy of Entrepreneurial Training Self Help Group Women’ presents the entrepreneurial training given to SHG women to equip them with all the skills required for the establishment and smooth functioning of their micro-enterprises and their responses during pre-training, training and post-training phases.I hope that this book is highly useful to the students and researchers in women’s studies and related fields. I derived encouragement and support from my Husband Mr. P. Muthukumar, Daughter Er. M. Sangeetha and Son Er. M. Vignesh for finalizing these papers. My thanks are due to Mr. Janarthanan of MJP Publishers, Chennai, Tirunelveli and New Delhi, for his constant support and meticulous care in publishing this book.