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Economic Reforms and Food Security, Agricultural Modernization and Sustainable
Development, Food Security: A Study on Land Use Pattern among Women Agricultural Workers in a Village of Nilakottai Block, Indian Agriculture and Food Security in the Era of Globalization, Implementation Efficiency of National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (Nais) in India – Data Envelopment Analysis (Dea) Approach, Food-Security-Issues and Challenges in Indian Policy, Impact of the PDS and Food Security in India, Economic Reforms and Export Performance in India, Financing Higher Education in India in the Post Reform Period: Experiences
and Directions, Impact of Economic Reforms on Education Sector, Investments in Education is the Only Boon to Develop our Economy in World Status, Progress of Upper Primary Education in India: A Comparative Study of Pre and Post Reform Period, Some Issues in Indian Higher Education after Economic Reforms
(After 1991)
Development, Food Security: A Study on Land Use Pattern among Women Agricultural Workers in a Village of Nilakottai Block, Indian Agriculture and Food Security in the Era of Globalization, Implementation Efficiency of National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (Nais) in India – Data Envelopment Analysis (Dea) Approach, Food-Security-Issues and Challenges in Indian Policy, Impact of the PDS and Food Security in India, Economic Reforms and Export Performance in India, Financing Higher Education in India in the Post Reform Period: Experiences
and Directions, Impact of Economic Reforms on Education Sector, Investments in Education is the Only Boon to Develop our Economy in World Status, Progress of Upper Primary Education in India: A Comparative Study of Pre and Post Reform Period, Some Issues in Indian Higher Education after Economic Reforms
(After 1991)