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Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has always been an important and integral part of modern government and administration. Rapid technological advancements in the field of modern government and administration reinforces this fact. With the advent of ‘Digital Age’, information has become the primary source for citizen-friendly government (good governance), i.e., accuracy, transparency, integrity and accountability. Good Governance is not a finished one. It is a continuous process and dynamic concept. It encompasses that changing socioeconomic and political development along with international environment and conditions of effective governance. Therefore, the government needs to periodical rethinking and remodelling the concept, structure and functions of all departments for good governance. The search for digitalization has to be a continuous exercise. Digitalization aids in the process of development by sharing knowledge, increasing leadership qualities, overcoming administrative difficulties and participation in government activities. Digitalization leads not only to increase of the above but also consequently, to better decision making and innovations. It is a powerful tool of empowerment and might be helpful in consolidating democracy. Nowadays, in every seminar, conference, workshop and symposium there is a lively discussion on good governance and therefore, it has become the greatest challenge for the academicians, administrators and practitioners to examine its various dynamics and dimensions.Further, I would like to convey my sincere thanks to our respectable University Authorities for all the support and encouragement in organising the seminar and bringing out the book “Digitalization and good governance in India”. I am extremely thankful to Dr.P.David Jawahar, Registrar, University of Madras for his support and co-operation.I am grateful to Prof.M.Ravichandran, Director, Institute of Distance Education, University of Madras, for his constant support in conducting the seminar.I thank Shri.M.Krishnsamy, I.R.S., Director of Income Tax (Investigation), ITSC, Chennai, for delivering the valuable valedictory special address in the seminar.