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This book is intended as a textbook for B.Sc and M.Sc Physics curriculum. It is also helpful to the students of Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering and those appearing for National Eligibility Test (NET) and State Lecturer Eligibility Test (SLET).
The present book is the outcome of lectures delivered by the author to the undergraduate and postgraduate students during the last ten years. The aim of the book is to provide a comprehensive introduction of the subject of Solid State Physics to the students of B.Sc Physics.
This book is broadly classified into ten chapters namely, crystal structure, diffraction of x-rays by crystals, chemical bonds, defects in solids, lattice vibrations and specific heat capacity of solids, magnetic materials, superconductivity, dielectric materials, semiconducting materials, free electron theory of metals and band theory of solids. The names of the chapters’ lattice vibrations and conductors in the previous edition have been relevantly renamed as lattice vibrations and specific heat capacity and free electron theory of metals and band theory of solids.
In preparing the text, the author has taken special care to present the topics in a coherent, simple and straightforward manner. SI units have been used throughout this book. Numerical problems are solved in each chapter wherever necessary for the better understanding of the subject. Exercises including problems have been given at the end of each chapter.
I really enjoyed very much while preparing the manuscript for the chapters conductors and semiconductors containing wonderful topics like quantum theory and band theory of solids. As a physicist I should appreciate the excellent thought converted into reality by Kronig in his band theory and Louis de Broglie in his particle-wave theory Although care has been taken during the preparation and proof reading of the manuscript still some errors may occur. Any omissions, errors and suggestions sent to us
( will be gratefully acknowledged.
I wish to thank M/s MJP Publishers, Chennai for their interest in getting this book published.
At this moment, I recall the fond and sweet memories of my father Thiru.N.Kannan and Mother Thirumathi.K.Mangammal and I dedicate this book to them.