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Most competitive examinations adopt multiple-choice tests. Virtually everyone is familiar with this type of test and understands how to proceed. In order to succeed University Examinations, GATE, NET and SLET examinations, students will need both specific knowledge of the subject matter and test-taking skills and abilities. Even with some background in physics through self-study, leisure reading and precious coursework, it is unlikely that one can simply proceed to take and pass the examination. They will need to review the basics and the sample materials. They should also have to read several textbooks recommended at the University level. Succeeding in examinations requires planning and preparation. The competitive examinations in multiple-choice questions are designed to allow students to demonstrate the knowledge you have gained in a variety of topics in physics. They are intended to help you to meet a wide diversity of personal and professional goals.
This book will help students to prepare for the University Examinations, GATE, NET, and SLET examinations. It also provides basic information about each topic in physics.
1. Classical Mechanics,
2. Statistical Physics,
3. Mathematical Physics,
4. Solid State Physics,
5. Quantum Mechanics,
6. Electromagnetic Theory and Electronics,
7. Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy,
8. Nuclear Physics and Elementary Particles,
Test paper 1,
Test paper 2,
Test paper 3.