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I - His General Line of Business, II - The Shipwreck, III - Wapping WorkhouseIV - Two Views of a Cheap Theatre, V - Poor Mercantile Jack, VI - Refreshments for Travellers, VII - Travelling Abroad, VIII - The Great Tasmania’s Cargo, IX - City of London Churches, X - Shy Neighbourhoods, XI - Tramps, XII - Dullborough Town, XIII - Night Walks, XIV - Chambers, XV - Nurse’s Stories, XVI - Arcadian London, XVII - The Italian Prisoner, XVIII - The Calais Night Mail, XIX - Some Recollections of Mortality, XX - Birthday Celebrations, XXI - The Short-Timers, XXII - Bound for the Great Salt Lake, XXIII - The City of the Absent, XXIV - An Old Stage-Coaching House, XXV - The Boiled Beef of New England, XXVI - Chatham Dockyard, XXVII - In the French-Flemish Country, XXVIII - Medicine Men of Civilisation, XXIX - Titbull’s Alms-Houses, XXX - The Ruffian, XXXI - Aboard Shipm, XXXII - A Small Star in the East, XXXIII - A Little Dinner in an Hour, XXXIV - Mr. Barlow, XXXV - On an Amateur Beat, XXXVI - A Fly-Leaf in a Life, XXXVII - A Plea for Total Abstinence.