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Introduction, China, India, Persia, The Jews, Egypt, Greece, Athens, Athenian Educators, Sparta, Rome, Roman Educators, Christian Education, The Great Teacher, General View of The First Period of Christian Education, The First Christian Schools, Conflict Between Pagan and Christian Education, Monastic Education, Scholasticism, Charlemagne, Alfred The Great, Feudal Education, The Crusades as an Educational Movement, The Rise of The Universities, Mohammedan Education, The Renaissance, Humanistic Educators, The Reformation as an Educational Influence, Other Protestant Educators, The Jesuits and their Education, Other Educators of The Sixteenth Century, Education During The Seventeenth Century, Educators of The Seventeenth Century, August Hermann Francke and The Pietists (1663-1727),
General View of The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, Modern Educators,
Modern Educators (Continued), Modern Educators (Continued), Modern Educators (Continued), Modern Educators (Continued), Modern Educators (Continued), The School System of Germany, The School System of France,
The School System of England, The School System of The United States
General View of The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, Modern Educators,
Modern Educators (Continued), Modern Educators (Continued), Modern Educators (Continued), Modern Educators (Continued), Modern Educators (Continued), The School System of Germany, The School System of France,
The School System of England, The School System of The United States