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Book the First Sowing -- 1. The One Thing Needful, 2. Murdering the Innocents, 3. A Loophole, 4. Mr. Bounderby, 5. The Keynote, 6. Sleary’s Horsemanship, 7. Mrs. Sparsit, 8. Never Wonder, 9. Sissy’s Progress, 10. Stephen Blackpool, 11. No Way Out, 12. The Old Woman, 13. Rachael, 14. The Great Manufacturer, 15. Father and Daughter, 16. Husband and Wife.
Book the Second Reaping -- 1. Effects in the Bank, 2. Mr. James Harthouse, 3. The Whelp, 4. Men and Brothers, 5. Men and Masters, 6. Fading Away, 7. Gunpowder, 8. Explosion, 9. Hearing the Last of it, 10. Mrs. Sparsit’s Staircase, 11. Lower and Lower, 12. Down.
Book the Third Garnering -- 1. Another Thing Needful, 2. Very Ridiculous, 3. Very Decided, 4. Lost, 5. Found, 6. The Starlight, 7. Whelp-Hunting, 8. Philosophical, 9. Final.