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Being A Handbook Treating of some of the More Important of the Animal and Vegetable Drugs made Use of in Medicine, Including the Whole of those Contained in the British Pharmacopceia
The First Edition of "Southall's Materia Medica" was prepared in 1874 by the late William Southall, F.L.S., and thirteen years later, in 1887, a fourth and enlarged edition was published. This latter has for some time been out of print, and the occasion of the preparation of a new edition was regarded as a favourable one for making some very considerable amplifications and alternations. The once almost universal system of classification, according to Botanical origin, has been abandoned, that of placing together drugs of analagous form and physical character having been adopted in its stead. This method of classification may now be said to have received official sanction in this country, inasmuch as it is made use of in the Calendar of the Pharmaceutical Society.