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ACT I - Scene I - A Desert Place. Thunder and Lightning, Scene II - A Camp Near Forres. Alarum Within, Scene III - A Heath. Thunder, Scene IV - Forres. The Palace, Scene V - Inverness. Macbeth’s Castle, Scene VI - Before Macbeth’s Castle. Hautboys and Torches, Scene VII - Macbeth’s Castle. Hautboys and Torches, ACT II - Scene I - Inverness. Court of Macbeth’s Castle, Scene II - The Same, Scene III - The Same, Scene IV - Outside Macbeth’s Castle, ACT III - Scene I - Forres. The Palace, Scene II - The Palace, Scene III - A Park Near the Palace, Scene IV - A Hall in the Palace. A Banquet Prepared, Scene V - A Heath. Thunder, Scene VI - Forres. The Palace, ACT VI - Scene I - A Cavern. In the Middle, a Boiling Cauldron. Thunder, Scene II - Fife. Macduff’s Castle, Scene III - England. Before the King’s Palace, ACT V - Scene I - Dunsinane. Anteroom in the Castle, Scene II - The Country near Dunsinane. Drum and Colors, Scene III - Dunsinane. A Room in the Castle, Scene IV - Country Near Birnam Wood. Drum and Colors, Scene V - Dunsinane. Within the Castle, Scene VI - Dunsinane. Before the Castle, Scene VII - Dunsinane. Before the Castle. Alarums, Scene VIII - Another Part of the Field, Scene IX - Retreat. Flourish.