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The Mushroom
(Edible and Otherwise Its Habitat and its Time of Growth)
It is with feelings of profound sadness that I am impelled to supplement the above Introduction by a brief tribute to the memory of that genial gentleman and lovable companion, as well as enthusiastic scientist, the late Dr. W. A. Kellerman. Spending his life in the pursuit of science, the Angel of Death overtook him while still in search for wider knowledge of Nature and her works, and with icy fingers sealed the lids over eyes ever on the alert for the discovery of hidden truths. Quiet, reticent, and unassuming, it was given to but few to know the great-hearted, unselfish sweetness of nature underlying his whole life. Yet the scientific world in general and Nature students especially, recognize in Dr. Kellerman’s death a loss long to be regretted and not soon to be repaired. The foregoing “Introduction” from his pen was one of the latest, if not the last of his public writings, done but a few weeks before being stricken with the fatal fever which fell upon him in the forests of Guatemala, and so quickly ended his earthly hopes and aspirations. It seems doubly sad that one so well and widely known in his life should be called upon to lay its burdens and its pleasures down while so far away from all who knew and loved him well; and to rest at last among strangers in a strange land. To this beloved friend and companion of so many pleasant days in woods and fields the author of this book desires to pay the tribute of a loving remembrance and heartfelt appreciation.