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BOOK I - Containing as Much of the Birth of the Foundling as is Necessary or Proper to Acquaint the Reader With in the Beginning if this History,
BOOK II - Containing Scenes of Matrimonial Felicity in Different Degrees of Life; and Various Other Transactions During the First Two Years After the Marriage Between Captain Blifil and Miss Bridget Allworthy,
BOOK III - Containing the Most Memorable Transactions Which Passed in the Family of Mr Allworthy, from the Time When Tommy Jones Arrived at the Age of Fourteen, Till He Attained the Age of Nineteen. In this Book,
BOOK IV - Containing the Time of a Year,
BOOK V - Containing a Portion of Time Somewhat Longer than Half a Year,
BOOK VI - Containing About Three Weeks,
BOOK VII - Containing Three Days,
BOOK IX - Containing Twelve Hours,
BOOK X - In Which The History Goes Forward About Twelve Hours,
BOOK XII - Containing the Same Individual Time With the Former,
BOOK XIII - Containing the Space of Twelve Days,
BOOK XIV - Containing Two Days,
BOOK XV - In Which the History Advances about Two Days,
BOOK XVI - Containing the Space of Five Days,
BOOK XVII - Containing Three Days,
BOOK XVIII - Containing About Six Days.