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Yarns of the Forecastle, Narrative of the Mutiny of the Bounty, Our First Whale, Going to Sea a Hundred Years Ago, The Pilot, The Escape of the American Frigate Alliance. Among the Ice Floes, A Tornado at Sea, My First Voyage, Running away to Sea, The Tempest, Toilers of the Sea, A Struggle with a Devil-Fish, The Man and the Cannon, A Ship on Fire at Sea, In the Gulf Stream, The Loss of the Royal George, Sailors’ Yarns, Mr. Midshipman Easy, Equality at Sea, The Club-Hauling of the Diomede, Moby Dick, The Chase, Rounding Cape Horn, The Merchantman and The Pirate, A Gale of Wind, The Wreck of the Grosvenor, Saved, The Capture of the Cotton Ship, Treasure Island, The Cruise of the Coracle, The Landing on the Island,