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The Wolf and The Lamb, The Bat and The Weasels, The Ass and The Grasshopper, The Lion and The Mouse, The Charcoal-Burner and The Fuller
The Father and His Sons, The Boy Hunting Locusts, The Cock and The Jewel,
The Kingdom of the Lion, The Wolf and The Crane, The Fisherman Piping, Hercules and the Wagoner, The Ants and the Grasshopper, The Traveler and his Dog, The Dog and The Shadow, The Mole and his Mother, The Herdsman and The Lost Bull, The Hare and The Tortoise, The Pomegranate, Apple-Tree, and Bramble, The Farmer and The Stork, The Farmer and the Snake, The Fawn and His Mother, The Bear and The Fox, The Swallow and The Crow, The Mountain in Labor, The Ass, The Fox, and the Lion, The Flies and The Honey-Pot, The Man and The Lion, The Farmer and The Cranes, The Dog in the Manger, The Fox and The Goat, The Bear and The Two Travelers,
The Oxen and The Axle-Trees, The Thirsty Pigeon, The Raven and The Swan,
The Goat and The Goatherd, The Miser, The Sick Lion, The Horse and Groom,
The Ass and The Lapdog, The Lioness, The Boasting Traveler, The Cat and the Cock, The Piglet, The Sheep, and The Goat, The Boy and The Filberts, The Lion in Love, The Laborer and The Snake, The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing, The Ass and The Mule, The Frogs asking for a King, The Boys and The Frogs, The Sick Stag, The Salt Merchant and his Ass, The Oxen and The Butchers, The Lion, The Mouse, and The Fox , The Vain Jackdaw, The Goatherd and The Wild Goats , The Mischievous Dog, The Fox Who had Lost his Tail , The Boy and The Nettles, The Man and his Two Sweethearts, The Astronomer , The Wolves and The Sheep, The Old Woman and The Physician, The Fighting Cocks and The Eagle, The Charger and The Miller, The Fox and The Monkey, The Horse and his Rider, The Belly and The Members, The Vine and The Goat, Jupiter and The Monkey, The Widow and her Little Maidens, The Shepherd’s Boy and The Wolf,
The Cat and The Birds, The Kid and The Wolf, The Ox and The Frog, The Shepherd and The Wolf, The Father and his Two Daughters, The Farmer and his Sons,
The Father and His Sons, The Boy Hunting Locusts, The Cock and The Jewel,
The Kingdom of the Lion, The Wolf and The Crane, The Fisherman Piping, Hercules and the Wagoner, The Ants and the Grasshopper, The Traveler and his Dog, The Dog and The Shadow, The Mole and his Mother, The Herdsman and The Lost Bull, The Hare and The Tortoise, The Pomegranate, Apple-Tree, and Bramble, The Farmer and The Stork, The Farmer and the Snake, The Fawn and His Mother, The Bear and The Fox, The Swallow and The Crow, The Mountain in Labor, The Ass, The Fox, and the Lion, The Flies and The Honey-Pot, The Man and The Lion, The Farmer and The Cranes, The Dog in the Manger, The Fox and The Goat, The Bear and The Two Travelers,
The Oxen and The Axle-Trees, The Thirsty Pigeon, The Raven and The Swan,
The Goat and The Goatherd, The Miser, The Sick Lion, The Horse and Groom,
The Ass and The Lapdog, The Lioness, The Boasting Traveler, The Cat and the Cock, The Piglet, The Sheep, and The Goat, The Boy and The Filberts, The Lion in Love, The Laborer and The Snake, The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing, The Ass and The Mule, The Frogs asking for a King, The Boys and The Frogs, The Sick Stag, The Salt Merchant and his Ass, The Oxen and The Butchers, The Lion, The Mouse, and The Fox , The Vain Jackdaw, The Goatherd and The Wild Goats , The Mischievous Dog, The Fox Who had Lost his Tail , The Boy and The Nettles, The Man and his Two Sweethearts, The Astronomer , The Wolves and The Sheep, The Old Woman and The Physician, The Fighting Cocks and The Eagle, The Charger and The Miller, The Fox and The Monkey, The Horse and his Rider, The Belly and The Members, The Vine and The Goat, Jupiter and The Monkey, The Widow and her Little Maidens, The Shepherd’s Boy and The Wolf,
The Cat and The Birds, The Kid and The Wolf, The Ox and The Frog, The Shepherd and The Wolf, The Father and his Two Daughters, The Farmer and his Sons,