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Handbook to Browning’s Works
General Characteristics
His Choice and Treatment of Subject
Introductory Group
“Pauline,” “Paracelsus,” “Sordello”
Non-Classified Poems
“The Ring and the Book” 1868-69
Classified Groups
Argumentative Poems, Special Pleadings
Didactic Poems
Critical Poems
Emotional Poems, Love
Historical Poems, or Poems Founded on Fact
Romantic Poems
Satirical or Humorous Poems
Miscellaneous Poems
Concluding Group
“Dramatic Idyls” “Jocoseria”, “Dramatic Idyls”
A Chronological Bibliography of Browning’s Works
General Characteristics
His Choice and Treatment of Subject
Introductory Group
“Pauline,” “Paracelsus,” “Sordello”
Non-Classified Poems
“The Ring and the Book” 1868-69
Classified Groups
Argumentative Poems, Special Pleadings
Didactic Poems
Critical Poems
Emotional Poems, Love
Historical Poems, or Poems Founded on Fact
Romantic Poems
Satirical or Humorous Poems
Miscellaneous Poems
Concluding Group
“Dramatic Idyls” “Jocoseria”, “Dramatic Idyls”
A Chronological Bibliography of Browning’s Works