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Why Fort St. George was Founded The Infancy of Fort St. George The Early Growth of Fort St. George The Garrison of Fort St. George,and the Soldier of Two Centuries Ago The Peccadilloes of the Company’s Servants Streynsham Master, Pilots and Diamonds St. Mary’s Church and the Vestry The Exchange Master’s Character and Family Taxes, Slavery and Interlopers Pirates and Princes; and the Retirement of Gyfford Elihu Yale, the Mayor’s Court and Other Matters Job Charnock’s Visit to Fort St. George,and the Baptism of his Children Fifty Years of Merchant Governors: Higginson, Pitt, Addison,Fraser, Harrison, Collet and Milton’s Descendants Fifty Years of Merchant Governors (Continued)Clive, Dupleix, the Capitulation of Fort St. George to the French, 1746, and its Siege by Lally in 1758 Pigot, Cornwallis, Munro, and Others Fort St. George in the Present Day The Monuments of the Old Cemetery Appendix Endnotes Index.