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Which Treats of the Character and Pursuits of the Famous Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha
Which Treats of the First Sally the Ingenious Don Quixote made from Home
Wherein is Related the Droll Way in Which Don Quixote had himself Dubbed a Knight
Of What Happened to Our Knight When he Left the Inn
In Which the Narrative of our Knight’s Mishap is Continued
Of the Diverting and Important Scrutiny which the Curate and the Barber made in the Library of our Ingenious Gentleman
Of the Second Sally of Our Worthy Knight Don Quixote of La Mancha
Of the Good Fortune which the Valiant Don Quixote had in the Terrible and Undreamt of Adventure of the Windmills, with other Occurrences Worthy to be Fitly Recorded
In Which is Concluded and Finished the Terrific Battle between the Gallant Biscayan and the Valiant Manchegan
Of the Pleasant Discourse that passed between Don Quixote and his Squire Sancho Panza
What Befell Don Quixote with Certain Goatherds
Of What a Goatherd Related to those with Don Quixote
In Which is ended the Story of the Shepherdess Marcela, with Other Incidents
Wherein are inserted the Despairing Verses of the Dead Shepherd, Together with other Incidents not Looked for
In Which is Related the Unfortunate Adventure that Don Quixote fell in with when he fell out with Certain Heartless Yanguesans
Of What Happened to the Ingenious Gentleman in the Inn which he took to be a Castle
In Which are Contained the Innumerable Troubles which the Brave Don Quixote and his Good Squire Sancho Panza Endured in the Inn, which to his Misfortune he took to be a Castle
In Which is Related the Discourse Sancho Panza held with his Master, Don Quixote, and Other Adventures Worth Relating
Of the Shrewd Discourse which Sancho held with his Master, and of the Adventure that Befell him with a Dead Body, together with other Notable Occurrences
Of the Unexampled and Unheard of Adventure which was Achieved by the Valiant Don Quixote of La Mancha with less Peril than any ever Achieved by any Famous Knight in the World